
What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound, also known as sonography, is a non-invasive and effective way to look at organs and soft tissues inside the body.

High frequency sound waves are sent into the body through a hand-held probe attached to the ultrasound machine. A detailed image is then created from the ‘echoes’ that bounce back. The machine captures a real time image which is used to diagnose various conditions.

Is there preparation for an ultrasound?

Specific typed of ultrasound examination may require preparations. Generally, 6 hours of fasting is required for an ultrasound of the abdomen whilst a full urinary bladder is necessary for a pelvic ultrasound examination. Most other ultrasound such as musculoskeletal, neck, blood vessels, soft tissues and breast do not require any specific preparation.

Our booking personnel will advise you of the specific preparations required for your scan.

Why would my Doctor refer me for an ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination is one of the safest medical diagnostic examinations. It is generally used to diagnose a wide range of medical conditions. Its unparallel safety, maneuverability, ease of use and versatility makes it one of the most commonly used diagnostic examinations in modern medicine. Ultrasound examination can provide a great deal of diagnostic information in pregnant women (obstetric ultrasound), various musculoskeletal conditions, conditions of the breast, thyroid, abdominal and pelvic organs. It is also commonly used to perform image guided biopsies. Pain relief injections administered under ultrasound guidance are highly accurate and have much greater efficiency. Use of ultrasound during medical procedures also greatly reduces the risk of complications.

Are there risks involved for an ultrasound?

Ultrasounds are considered safe. This scan does not use radiation; therefore, it does not have the same risks as that of an X-ray or a CT scan.